100 Famous

100 Famous Inventions And Their Inventors

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Inventions And Thier Inventors

1. Air conditioner (AC) – Willis Carrier, U.S.

2. Refrigerator – James Harrison, Australian

3. Washing Machine (Electric) – Alva J. Fisher, U.S.

4. Mobile Phone – Martin Cooper, U.S.

5. Telephone – Alexander Graham Bell, U.S.

6. Microphone – Alexander Graham Bell, U.S.

7. Gramophone – Thomas Alva Edison, U.S.

8. Calculator (Mechanical) – Blaise PascalFrance

9. Calculator (Electronic) – Jerry Merryman, U.S.

10. Watch – Peter Henlein, Germany

11. Sewing Machine – Thimonnier, France

12. Transformer – Michael Fraday, British (Later Ottó Bláthy)

13. Machine Gun – Sir Hiram Maxim, U.S.

14. Radar – Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt, British

15. Airplane – Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright (Wright Brothers), U.S.

16. Submarine – Cornelius Drebbel, Netherlands

17. First military submarine – Yefim Nikonov, Russia

18. Tank (Military) – Sir Ernest Dunlop Swinton, England

19. Transistor – John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley, U.S.

20. Galvanometer – Johann Schweigger, Germany

21. Laser – Theodore Harold Maiman, U.S.

22. Neon Lamp – Georges Claude, France

23. Rocket Engine – Robert Goddard, U.S.A.

24. Jet Engine – Frank Whittle, British

25. Diesel Engine – Rudolf Diesel, Germany

26. Steam Engine – Thomas Savery, England

27. Steam Engine (Piston) – Thomas Newcomen, England

28. Steam Engine (Condenser) – James Watt, Scotland

29. Railway Engine – George Stephenson, British

30. Typewriter – Christopher Latham Sholes, U.S.

31. Seismograph – John Milne, British

32. Electromagnet – William Sturgeon, England; Improved by Joseph Henry, U.S.

33. Electronic Computer – J.G. Brainerd, J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly, (U.S.)

34. Electric Generator – Michael Faraday, British

35. Electric Battery – Volta, Italian

36. Electric Blanket – Simmons Co., Petersburg and Virginia, U.S.

37. Electric Cooking Utensil – St. George Lane-Fox, England

38. Electric Fan – Wheeler, U.S.A.

39. Electric Generation – Otto von Gueriche, Germany

40. Electric Lamp – Thomas Alva Edison, U.S.

41. Electric Motor (DC) – Zenobe Gramme, Belgium

42. Electric Motor (AC) – Nikola Tesla, U.S.

43. Television – John Logie Baird, British

44. Refrigerator – William Cullen, Hamilton (Later Oliver Evans, U.S.)

45. Air Brake – George Westinghouse, U.S.

46. Dics Brake – Dr. F. Lanchester, England

47. Atomic bomb – Robert Oppenheimer, U.S. and Edward Teller, U.S.

48. Helicopter – Igor Sikorsky, Russia

49. Lift – Elisha Otis, U.S.

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50. Laser Printer – Gary Starkweather, U.S.

51. Printing Press – Johannes Gutenberg, Germany

52. Fountain Pen – Lewis E. Waterman, U.S.

53. Video Games – Ralph Baer, Germany

54. Automobile – Karl Benz, Germany

55. Magnetic Tape – Fritz Pfleumer, Germany

56. Fuel Cell – William Grove, England

57. Barometer – Evangelista Torricelli, Italian

58. Thermometer – Galileo Galilei, Italy

59. Camera – Nicéphore Niépce, France

60. Radio – Guglielmo Marconi, Italy

61. Electricity – Benjamin Franklin, U.S.

62. Electric Light Bulb – Thomas Edison, U.S.

63. Telegraph – Samuel Morse, U.S.

64. Telescope – Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen, Netherlands (Later Galileo, Italy)

65. Arc Lamp – C.F. Brush, U.S.

66. Neon Lamp – Georges Claude, France

67. Balloon – Jacques Montgolfier and Joseph Montgolfier, France

68. Barbed Wire – Joseph F. Glidden, U.S.

69. Bicycle – Baron Karl von Drais, Germany

70. Bicycle Tyres (Pneumatic) – John Boyd Dunlop, Scotland

71. Bullet – Claude Minie, France

72. Car Radio – William Lear and Elmer Wavering, U.S.A.

73. Cellophane – I.E. Brandenberger, Switzerland

74. Cement – Joseph Aspdin, England

75. Clock (Mechanical) – I-Hsing and Liang Ling-Tsan, China

76. Clock (Pendulum) – Christian Huygens, Netherlands

77. Dental Plate – Anthony A. Plantson, U.S.

78. Dental Plate (Rubber) – Charles Goodyear, U.S.

79. Film (Musical) – Dr. Lee de Forest, U.S.

80. Film (Talking) – Warner Bros, U.S.

81. Gas Lighting – William Murdock, Scotland

82. Loom (Power) – Edmund Cartwright, England

83. Loudspeaker – Chester W. Rice and Edward W. Kellogg, U.S.

84. Motorcycle – Edward Butler, England

85. Motor Scooter – Greville Bradshaw, England

86. Car – Karl Benz, Germany

87. Piano – Cristofori, Italy

88. Printing Press –  Johannes Gutenberg, Germany

89. Razor (Safety) – King C. Gillette, U.S.

90. Razor (Electric) – Col. Jacob Schick, U.S.

91. Record (Long-playing) – Dr. Petter Goldmark, U.S.

92. Revolver – Samuel Colt, U.S.

93. Rubber (Waterproof) – Charles Macintosh, Scotland

94. Rubber (Tyres) – Thomas Hancock, England

95. Ship (Steam) – J.C. Perier, France

96. Ship (Turbine) – Hon. Sir Charles Parsons, England

97. Time Recorder – Harlow Bundy, U.S.A.

98. Tractor (Petrol Powered Engine) – John Froelich, U.S.

99. X-ray – Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, Germany

100. Zero (0) – Aryabhatta, India

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